CNet uses an electronic mail message system to maintain private user to user messages. If someone has left mail for you, you will be notified of this as you logon, and will be given an opportunity to read your mail then. As you are using the system, CNet will periodically check your mailbox for mail, and display an on-line message if a new item arrives, as from another user simultaneously using the system.
If you wish to read your mail after logon, you may enter MR (MailRead) at any one of the command prompts found throughout the system. After giving you a list of your messages, CNet will allow you to choose whether you want to read just the new or just the old messages, or read all of them.
After reading each of your messages, C-Net will pause to offer several options:
Again Read the same message over again from the beginning.
FOrw Send this message to another user (may require access).
Pass Keep this message, and move on to the next.
Kill Remove this message from your mailbox.
Quit Exit mail-read. All messages not Killed will be kept.
Reply Send a reply message to the user who sent the last message.
FInger Give more information about the user who sent the last message.
List If a bulk mail message, list all recipients.
Download If file-mail, go to download mode to receive the file.
If you wish to send mail to another user, enter MAIL or MS (MailSend) at any command prompt. In addition to a subject, you will be asked whether you'd like a "return receipt" for your message. If you select this option, and the user you are mailing to does not reply, C-Net will drop a note in your mailbox informing you of this. You may also be asked if you'd like your original message returned with any reply or receipt from the user. This is helpful to remember what you were talking about when you read the user's reply.